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Library Management using C ( C Projects )

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  1. //list of header files
  2. #include <windows.h>
  3. #include<stdio.h> //contains printf,scanf etc
  4. #include<conio.h> //contains delay(),getch(),gotoxy(),etc.
  5. #include <stdlib.h>
  6. #include<string.h> //contains strcmp(),strcpy(),strlen(),etc
  7. #include<ctype.h> //contains toupper(), tolower(),etc
  8. #include<dos.h> //contains _dos_getdate
  9. #include<time.h>
  10. //#include<bios.h> //contains show_mouse();
  12. #define RETURNTIME 15
  14. //list of function prototype
  15. char catagories[][15]={"Computer","Electronics","Electrical","Civil","Mechnnical","Architecture"};
  16. void returnfunc(void);
  17. void mainmenu(void);
  18. void addbooks(void);
  19. void deletebooks(void);
  20. void editbooks(void);
  21. void searchbooks(void);
  22. void issuebooks(void);
  23. void viewbooks(void);
  24. void closeapplication(void);
  25. int getdata();
  26. int checkid(int);
  27. int t(void);
  28. //void show_mouse(void);
  29. void Password();
  30. void issuerecord();
  31. void loaderanim();
  33. COORD coord = {0, 0}; // sets coordinates to 0,0
  34. //COORD max_buffer_size = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(hOut);
  35. COORD max_res,cursor_size;
  36. void gotoxy (int x, int y)
  37. {
  38. coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; // X and Y coordinates
  39. SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
  40. }
  41. void delay(unsigned int mseconds)
  42. {
  43. clock_t goal = mseconds + clock();
  44. while (goal > clock());
  45. }
  46. //list of global files that can be acceed form anywhere in program
  47. FILE *fp,*ft,*fs;
  49. //list of global variable
  50. int s;
  51. char findbook;
  52. char password[10]={"pokhara"};
  55. struct meroDate
  56. {
  57. int mm,dd,yy;
  58. };
  59. struct books
  60. {
  61. int id;
  62. char stname[20];
  63. char name[20];
  64. char Author[20];
  65. int quantity;
  66. float Price;
  67. int count;
  68. int rackno;
  69. char *cat;
  70. struct meroDate issued;
  71. struct meroDate duedate;
  72. };
  73. struct books a;
  74. int main()
  76. {
  77. Password();
  78. getch();
  79. return 0;
  81. }
  82. void mainmenu()
  83. {
  84. //loaderanim();
  85. system("cls");
  86. // textbackground(13);
  87. int i;
  88. gotoxy(20,3);
  89. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2 MAIN MENU \xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  90. //show_mouse();
  91. gotoxy(20,5);
  92. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 1. Add Books ");
  93. gotoxy(20,7);
  94. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 2. Delete books");
  95. gotoxy(20,9);
  96. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 3. Search Books");
  97. gotoxy(20,11);
  98. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 4. Issue Books");
  99. gotoxy(20,13);
  100. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 5. View Book list");
  101. gotoxy(20,15);
  102. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 6. Edit Book's Record");
  103. gotoxy(20,17);
  104. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 7. Close Application");
  105. gotoxy(20,19);
  106. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  107. gotoxy(20,20);
  108. t();
  109. gotoxy(20,21);
  110. printf("Enter your choice:");
  111. switch(getch())
  112. {
  113. case '1':
  114. addbooks();
  115. break;
  116. case '2':
  117. deletebooks();
  118. break;
  119. case '3':
  120. searchbooks();
  121. break;
  122. case '4':
  123. issuebooks();
  124. break;
  125. case '5':
  126. viewbooks();
  127. break;
  128. case '6':
  129. editbooks();
  130. break;
  131. case '7':
  132. {
  133. system("cls");
  134. gotoxy(16,3);
  135. printf("Programmers....");
  136. gotoxy(16,4);
  137. printf("1. Bibek Subedi (066/BCT/506)");
  138. gotoxy(16,5);
  139. printf(" Mobile:9846311430");
  140. gotoxy(16,7);
  141. printf("2. Dinesh Subedi (066/BCT/512)");
  142. gotoxy(16,8);
  143. printf(" Mobile:9841569394");
  144. gotoxy(16,10);
  145. printf("3. Sijan Bhandari (066/BCT/537)");
  146. gotoxy(16,11);
  147. printf(" Mobile:9849516774");
  148. gotoxy(16,13);
  149. printf("With the Unexplainable Help of Mr.Ashok Basnet");
  150. gotoxy(10,17);
  151. printf("Exiting in 3 second...........>");
  152. //flushall();
  153. delay(3000);
  154. exit(0);
  155. }
  156. default:
  157. {
  158. gotoxy(10,23);
  159. printf("\aWrong Entry!!Please re-entered correct option");
  160. if(getch())
  161. mainmenu();
  162. }
  164. }
  165. }
  166. void addbooks(void) //funtion that add books
  167. {
  168. system("cls");
  169. int i;
  170. gotoxy(20,5);
  171. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2SELECT CATEGOIES\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  172. gotoxy(20,7);
  173. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 1. Computer");
  174. gotoxy(20,9);
  175. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 2. Electronics");
  176. gotoxy(20,11);
  177. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 3. Electrical");
  178. gotoxy(20,13);
  179. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 4. Civil");
  180. gotoxy(20,15);
  181. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 5. Mechanical");
  182. gotoxy(20,17);
  183. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 6. Architecture");
  184. gotoxy(20,19);
  185. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 7. Back to main menu");
  186. gotoxy(20,21);
  187. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  188. gotoxy(20,22);
  189. printf("Enter your choice:");
  190. scanf("%d",&s);
  191. if(s==7)
  193. mainmenu() ;
  194. system("cls");
  195. fp=fopen("Bibek.dat","ab+");
  196. if(getdata()==1)
  197. {
  199. fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);
  200. fwrite(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp);
  201. fclose(fp);
  202. gotoxy(21,14);
  203. printf("The record is sucessfully saved");
  204. gotoxy(21,15);
  205. printf("Save any more?(Y / N):");
  206. if(getch()=='n')
  207. mainmenu();
  208. else
  209. system("cls");
  210. addbooks();
  211. }
  212. }
  213. void deletebooks() //function that delete items from file fp
  214. {
  215. system("cls");
  216. int d;
  217. char another='y';
  218. while(another=='y') //infinite loop
  219. {
  220. system("cls");
  221. gotoxy(10,5);
  222. printf("Enter the Book ID to delete:");
  223. scanf("%d",&d);
  224. fp=fopen("Bibek.dat","rb+");
  225. rewind(fp);
  226. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp)==1)
  227. {
  228. if(
  229. {
  231. gotoxy(10,7);
  232. printf("The book record is available");
  233. gotoxy(10,8);
  234. printf("Book name is %s",;
  235. gotoxy(10,9);
  236. printf("Rack No. is %d",a.rackno);
  237. findbook='t';
  238. }
  239. }
  240. if(findbook!='t')
  241. {
  242. gotoxy(10,10);
  243. printf("No record is found modify the search");
  244. if(getch())
  245. mainmenu();
  246. }
  247. if(findbook=='t' )
  248. {
  249. gotoxy(10,9);
  250. printf("Do you want to delete it?(Y/N):");
  251. if(getch()=='y')
  252. {
  253. ft=fopen("test.dat","wb+"); //temporary file for delete
  254. rewind(fp);
  255. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp)==1)
  256. {
  257. if(!=d)
  258. {
  259. fseek(ft,0,SEEK_CUR);
  260. fwrite(&a,sizeof(a),1,ft); //write all in tempory file except that
  261. } //we want to delete
  262. }
  263. fclose(ft);
  264. fclose(fp);
  265. remove("Bibek.dat");
  266. rename("test.dat","Bibek.dat"); //copy all item from temporary file to fp except that
  267. fp=fopen("Bibek.dat","rb+"); //we want to delete
  268. if(findbook=='t')
  269. {
  270. gotoxy(10,10);
  271. printf("The record is sucessfully deleted");
  272. gotoxy(10,11);
  273. printf("Delete another record?(Y/N)");
  274. }
  275. }
  276. else
  277. mainmenu();
  278. fflush(stdin);
  279. another=getch();
  280. }
  281. }
  282. gotoxy(10,15);
  283. mainmenu();
  284. }
  285. void searchbooks()
  286. {
  287. system("cls");
  288. int d;
  289. printf("*****************************Search Books*********************************");
  290. gotoxy(20,10);
  291. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 1. Search By ID");
  292. gotoxy(20,14);
  293. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xB2 2. Search By Name");
  294. gotoxy( 15,20);
  295. printf("Enter Your Choice");
  296. fp=fopen("Bibek.dat","rb+"); //open file for reading propose
  297. rewind(fp); //move pointer at the begining of file
  298. switch(getch())
  299. {
  300. case '1':
  301. {
  302. system("cls");
  303. gotoxy(25,4);
  304. printf("****Search Books By Id****");
  305. gotoxy(20,5);
  306. printf("Enter the book id:");
  307. scanf("%d",&d);
  308. gotoxy(20,7);
  309. printf("Searching........");
  310. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp)==1)
  311. {
  312. if(
  313. {
  314. delay(2);
  315. gotoxy(20,7);
  316. printf("The Book is available");
  317. gotoxy(20,8);
  318. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  319. gotoxy(20,9);
  320. printf("\xB2 ID:%d",;gotoxy(47,9);printf("\xB2");
  321. gotoxy(20,10);
  322. printf("\xB2 Name:%s",;gotoxy(47,10);printf("\xB2");
  323. gotoxy(20,11);
  324. printf("\xB2 Author:%s ",a.Author);gotoxy(47,11);printf("\xB2");
  325. gotoxy(20,12);
  326. printf("\xB2 Qantity:%d ",a.quantity);gotoxy(47,12);printf("\xB2"); gotoxy(47,11);printf("\xB2");
  327. gotoxy(20,13);
  328. printf("\xB2 Price:Rs.%.2f",a.Price);gotoxy(47,13);printf("\xB2");
  329. gotoxy(20,14);
  330. printf("\xB2 Rack No:%d ",a.rackno);gotoxy(47,14);printf("\xB2");
  331. gotoxy(20,15);
  332. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  333. findbook='t';
  334. }
  336. }
  337. if(findbook!='t') //checks whether conditiion enters inside loop or not
  338. {
  339. gotoxy(20,8);
  340. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  341. gotoxy(20,9);printf("\xB2"); gotoxy(38,9);printf("\xB2");
  342. gotoxy(20,10);
  343. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  344. gotoxy(22,9);printf("\aNo Record Found");
  345. }
  346. gotoxy(20,17);
  347. printf("Try another search?(Y/N)");
  348. if(getch()=='y')
  349. searchbooks();
  350. else
  351. mainmenu();
  352. break;
  353. }
  354. case '2':
  355. {
  356. char s[15];
  357. system("cls");
  358. gotoxy(25,4);
  359. printf("****Search Books By Name****");
  360. gotoxy(20,5);
  361. printf("Enter Book Name:");
  362. scanf("%s",s);
  363. int d=0;
  364. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp)==1)
  365. {
  366. if(strcmp(,(s))==0) //checks whether is equal to s or not
  367. {
  368. gotoxy(20,7);
  369. printf("The Book is available");
  370. gotoxy(20,8);
  371. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  372. gotoxy(20,9);
  373. printf("\xB2 ID:%d",;gotoxy(47,9);printf("\xB2");
  374. gotoxy(20,10);
  375. printf("\xB2 Name:%s",;gotoxy(47,10);printf("\xB2");
  376. gotoxy(20,11);
  377. printf("\xB2 Author:%s",a.Author);gotoxy(47,11);printf("\xB2");
  378. gotoxy(20,12);
  379. printf("\xB2 Qantity:%d",a.quantity);gotoxy(47,12);printf("\xB2");
  380. gotoxy(20,13);
  381. printf("\xB2 Price:Rs.%.2f",a.Price);gotoxy(47,13);printf("\xB2");
  382. gotoxy(20,14);
  383. printf("\xB2 Rack No:%d ",a.rackno);gotoxy(47,14);printf("\xB2");
  384. gotoxy(20,15);
  385. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  386. d++;
  387. }
  389. }
  390. if(d==0)
  391. {
  392. gotoxy(20,8);
  393. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  394. gotoxy(20,9);printf("\xB2"); gotoxy(38,9);printf("\xB2");
  395. gotoxy(20,10);
  396. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  397. gotoxy(22,9);printf("\aNo Record Found");
  398. }
  399. gotoxy(20,17);
  400. printf("Try another search?(Y/N)");
  401. if(getch()=='y')
  402. searchbooks();
  403. else
  404. mainmenu();
  405. break;
  406. }
  407. default :
  408. getch();
  409. searchbooks();
  410. }
  411. fclose(fp);
  412. }
  413. void issuebooks(void) //function that issue books from library
  414. {
  415. int t;
  417. system("cls");
  418. printf("********************************ISSUE SECTION**************************");
  419. gotoxy(10,5);
  420. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDb\xB2 1. Issue a Book");
  421. gotoxy(10,7);
  422. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDb\xB2 2. View Issued Book");
  423. gotoxy(10,9);
  424. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDb\xB2 3. Search Issued Book");
  425. gotoxy(10,11);
  426. printf("\xDB\xDB\xDB\xDb\xB2 4. Remove Issued Book");
  427. gotoxy(10,14);
  428. printf("Enter a Choice:");
  429. switch(getch())
  430. {
  431. case '1': //issue book
  432. {
  433. system("cls");
  434. int c=0;
  435. char another='y';
  436. while(another=='y')
  437. {
  438. system("cls");
  439. gotoxy(15,4);
  440. printf("***Issue Book section***");
  441. gotoxy(10,6);
  442. printf("Enter the Book Id:");
  443. scanf("%d",&t);
  444. fp=fopen("Bibek.dat","rb");
  445. fs=fopen("Issue.dat","ab+");
  446. if(checkid(t)==0) //issues those which are present in library
  447. {
  448. gotoxy(10,8);
  449. printf("The book record is available");
  450. gotoxy(10,9);
  451. printf("There are %d unissued books in library ",a.quantity);
  452. gotoxy(10,10);
  453. printf("The name of book is %s",;
  454. gotoxy(10,11);
  455. printf("Enter student name:");
  456. scanf("%s",a.stname);
  457. // struct dosdate_t d; //for current date
  458. // _dos_getdate(&d);
  459. //;
  460. //;
  461. //a.issued.yy=d.year;
  462. gotoxy(10,12);
  463. printf("Issued date=%d-%d-%d",a.issued.dd,,a.issued.yy);
  464. gotoxy(10,13);
  465. printf("The BOOK of ID %d is issued",;
  466. a.duedate.dd=a.issued.dd+RETURNTIME; //for return date
  468. a.duedate.yy=a.issued.yy;
  469. if(a.duedate.dd>30)
  470. {
  472. a.duedate.dd-=30;
  474. }
  475. if(>12)
  476. {
  480. }
  481. gotoxy(10,14);
  482. printf("To be return:%d-%d-%d",a.duedate.dd,,a.duedate.yy);
  483. fseek(fs,sizeof(a),SEEK_END);
  484. fwrite(&a,sizeof(a),1,fs);
  485. fclose(fs);
  486. c=1;
  487. }
  488. if(c==0)
  489. {
  490. gotoxy(10,11);
  491. printf("No record found");
  492. }
  493. gotoxy(10,15);
  494. printf("Issue any more(Y/N):");
  495. fflush(stdin);
  496. another=getche();
  497. fclose(fp);
  498. }
  500. break;
  501. }
  502. case '2': //show issued book list
  503. {
  504. system("cls");
  505. int j=4;
  506. printf("*******************************Issued book list*******************************\n");
  507. gotoxy(2,2);
  509. fs=fopen("Issue.dat","rb");
  510. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fs)==1)
  511. {
  513. gotoxy(2,j);
  514. printf("%s",a.stname);
  515. gotoxy(18,j);
  516. printf("%s",;
  517. gotoxy(30,j);
  518. printf("%d",;
  519. gotoxy(36,j);
  520. printf("%s",;
  521. gotoxy(51,j);
  522. printf("%d-%d-%d",a.issued.dd,,a.issued.yy );
  523. gotoxy(65,j);
  524. printf("%d-%d-%d",a.duedate.dd,,a.duedate.yy);
  525. //struct dosdate_t d;
  526. //_dos_getdate(&d);
  527. gotoxy(50,25);
  528. // printf("Current date=%d-%d-%d",,d.month,d.year);
  529. j++;
  531. }
  532. fclose(fs);
  533. gotoxy(1,25);
  534. returnfunc();
  535. }
  536. break;
  537. case '3': //search issued books by id
  538. {
  539. system("cls");
  540. gotoxy(10,6);
  541. printf("Enter Book ID:");
  542. int p,c=0;
  543. char another='y';
  544. while(another=='y')
  545. {
  547. scanf("%d",&p);
  548. fs=fopen("Issue.dat","rb");
  549. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fs)==1)
  550. {
  551. if(
  552. {
  553. issuerecord();
  554. gotoxy(10,12);
  555. printf("Press any key.......");
  556. getch();
  557. issuerecord();
  558. c=1;
  559. }
  561. }
  562. fflush(stdin);
  563. fclose(fs);
  564. if(c==0)
  565. {
  566. gotoxy(10,8);
  567. printf("No Record Found");
  568. }
  569. gotoxy(10,13);
  570. printf("Try Another Search?(Y/N)");
  571. another=getch();
  572. }
  573. }
  574. break;
  575. case '4': //remove issued books from list
  576. {
  577. system("cls");
  578. int b;
  579. FILE *fg; //declaration of temporary file for delete
  580. char another='y';
  581. while(another=='y')
  582. {
  583. gotoxy(10,5);
  584. printf("Enter book id to remove:");
  585. scanf("%d",&b);
  586. fs=fopen("Issue.dat","rb+");
  587. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fs)==1)
  588. {
  589. if(
  590. {
  591. issuerecord();
  592. findbook='t';
  593. }
  594. if(findbook=='t')
  595. {
  596. gotoxy(10,12);
  597. printf("Do You Want to Remove it?(Y/N)");
  598. if(getch()=='y')
  599. {
  600. fg=fopen("record.dat","wb+");
  601. rewind(fs);
  602. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fs)==1)
  603. {
  604. if(!=b)
  605. {
  606. fseek(fs,0,SEEK_CUR);
  607. fwrite(&a,sizeof(a),1,fg);
  608. }
  609. }
  610. fclose(fs);
  611. fclose(fg);
  612. remove("Issue.dat");
  613. rename("record.dat","Issue.dat");
  614. gotoxy(10,14);
  615. printf("The issued book is removed from list");
  617. }
  619. }
  620. if(findbook!='t')
  621. {
  622. gotoxy(10,15);
  623. printf("No Record Found");
  624. }
  625. }
  626. gotoxy(10,16);
  627. printf("Delete any more?(Y/N)");
  628. another=getch();
  629. }
  630. }
  631. default:
  632. gotoxy(10,18);
  633. printf("\aWrong Entry!!");
  634. getch();
  635. issuebooks();
  636. break;
  637. }
  638. gotoxy(1,30);
  639. returnfunc();
  640. }
  641. void viewbooks(void) //show the list of book persists in library
  642. {
  643. int i=0,j;
  644. system("cls");
  645. gotoxy(1,1);
  646. printf("*********************************Book List*****************************");
  647. gotoxy(2,2);
  649. j=4;
  650. fp=fopen("Bibek.dat","rb");
  651. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp)==1)
  652. {
  653. gotoxy(3,j);
  654. printf("%s",;
  655. gotoxy(16,j);
  656. printf("%d",;
  657. gotoxy(22,j);
  658. printf("%s",;
  659. gotoxy(36,j);
  660. printf("%s",a.Author);
  661. gotoxy(50,j);
  662. printf("%d",a.quantity);
  663. gotoxy(57,j);
  664. printf("%.2f",a.Price);
  665. gotoxy(69,j);
  666. printf("%d",a.rackno);
  667. printf("\n\n");
  668. j++;
  669. i=i+a.quantity;
  670. }
  671. gotoxy(3,25);
  672. printf("Total Books =%d",i);
  673. fclose(fp);
  674. gotoxy(35,25);
  675. returnfunc();
  676. }
  677. void editbooks(void) //edit information about book
  678. {
  679. system("cls");
  680. int c=0;
  681. int d,e;
  682. gotoxy(20,4);
  683. printf("****Edit Books Section****");
  684. char another='y';
  685. while(another=='y')
  686. {
  687. system("cls");
  688. gotoxy(15,6);
  689. printf("Enter Book Id to be edited:");
  690. scanf("%d",&d);
  691. fp=fopen("Bibek.dat","rb+");
  692. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp)==1)
  693. {
  694. if(checkid(d)==0)
  695. {
  696. gotoxy(15,7);
  697. printf("The book is availble");
  698. gotoxy(15,8);
  699. printf("The Book ID:%d",;
  700. gotoxy(15,9);
  701. printf("Enter new name:");scanf("%s",;
  702. gotoxy(15,10);
  703. printf("Enter new Author:");scanf("%s",a.Author);
  704. gotoxy(15,11);
  705. printf("Enter new quantity:");scanf("%d",&a.quantity);
  706. gotoxy(15,12);
  707. printf("Enter new price:");scanf("%f",&a.Price);
  708. gotoxy(15,13);
  709. printf("Enter new rackno:");scanf("%d",&a.rackno);
  710. gotoxy(15,14);
  711. printf("The record is modified");
  712. fseek(fp,ftell(fp)-sizeof(a),0);
  713. fwrite(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp);
  714. fclose(fp);
  715. c=1;
  716. }
  717. if(c==0)
  718. {
  719. gotoxy(15,9);
  720. printf("No record found");
  721. }
  722. }
  723. gotoxy(15,16);
  724. printf("Modify another Record?(Y/N)");
  725. fflush(stdin);
  726. another=getch() ;
  727. }
  728. returnfunc();
  729. }
  730. void returnfunc(void)
  731. {
  732. {
  733. printf(" Press ENTER to return to main menu");
  734. }
  735. a:
  736. if(getch()==13) //allow only use of enter
  737. mainmenu();
  738. else
  739. goto a;
  740. }
  741. int getdata()
  742. {
  743. int t;
  744. gotoxy(20,3);printf("Enter the Information Below");
  745. gotoxy(20,4);printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  746. gotoxy(20,5);
  747. printf("\xB2");gotoxy(46,5);printf("\xB2");
  748. gotoxy(20,6);
  749. printf("\xB2");gotoxy(46,6);printf("\xB2");
  750. gotoxy(20,7);
  751. printf("\xB2");gotoxy(46,7);printf("\xB2");
  752. gotoxy(20,8);
  753. printf("\xB2");gotoxy(46,8);printf("\xB2");
  754. gotoxy(20,9);
  755. printf("\xB2");gotoxy(46,9);printf("\xB2");
  756. gotoxy(20,10);
  757. printf("\xB2");gotoxy(46,10);printf("\xB2");
  758. gotoxy(20,11);
  759. printf("\xB2");gotoxy(46,11);printf("\xB2");
  760. gotoxy(20,12);
  761. printf("\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2");
  762. gotoxy(21,5);
  763. printf("Category:");
  764. gotoxy(31,5);
  765. printf("%s",catagories[s-1]);
  766. gotoxy(21,6);
  767. printf("Book ID:\t");
  768. gotoxy(30,6);
  769. scanf("%d",&t);
  770. if(checkid(t) == 0)
  771. {
  772. gotoxy(21,13);
  773. printf("\aThe book id already exists\a");
  774. getch();
  775. mainmenu();
  776. return 0;
  777. }
  779. gotoxy(21,7);
  780. printf("Book Name:");gotoxy(33,7);
  781. scanf("%s",;
  782. gotoxy(21,8);
  783. printf("Author:");gotoxy(30,8);
  784. scanf("%s",a.Author);
  785. gotoxy(21,9);
  786. printf("Quantity:");gotoxy(31,9);
  787. scanf("%d",&a.quantity);
  788. gotoxy(21,10);
  789. printf("Price:");gotoxy(28,10);
  790. scanf("%f",&a.Price);
  791. gotoxy(21,11);
  792. printf("Rack No:");gotoxy(30,11);
  793. scanf("%d",&a.rackno);
  794. return 1;
  795. }
  796. int checkid(int t) //check whether the book is exist in library or not
  797. {
  798. rewind(fp);
  799. while(fread(&a,sizeof(a),1,fp)==1)
  800. if(
  801. return 0; //returns 0 if book exits
  802. return 1; //return 1 if it not
  803. }
  804. int t(void) //for time
  805. {
  806. time_t t;
  807. time(&t);
  808. printf("Date and time:%s\n",ctime(&t));
  810. return 0 ;
  811. }
  812. //void show_mouse(void) //show inactive mouse pointer in programme
  813. //{
  814. //union REGS in,out;
  815. //
  816. // = 0x1;
  817. // int86(0x33,&in,&out);
  818. //}
  819. void Password(void) //for password option
  820. {
  822. system("cls");
  823. char d[25]="Password Protected";
  824. char ch,pass[10];
  825. int i=0,j;
  826. //textbackground(WHITE);
  827. //textcolor(RED);
  828. gotoxy(10,4);
  829. for(j=0;j<20;j++)
  830. {
  831. delay(50);
  832. printf("*");
  833. }
  834. for(j=0;j<20;j++)
  835. {
  836. delay(50);
  837. printf("%c",d[j]);
  838. }
  839. for(j=0;j<20;j++)
  840. {
  841. delay(50);
  842. printf("*");
  843. }
  844. gotoxy(10,10);
  845. gotoxy(15,7);
  846. printf("Enter Password:");
  848. while(ch!=13)
  849. {
  850. ch=getch();
  852. if(ch!=13 && ch!=8){
  853. putch('*');
  854. pass[i] = ch;
  855. i++;
  856. }
  857. }
  858. pass[i] = '\0';
  859. if(strcmp(pass,password)==0)
  860. {
  862. gotoxy(15,9);
  863. //textcolor(BLINK);
  864. printf("Password match");
  865. gotoxy(17,10);
  866. printf("Press any key to countinue.....");
  867. getch();
  868. mainmenu();
  869. }
  870. else
  871. {
  872. gotoxy(15,16);
  873. printf("\aWarning!! Incorrect Password");
  874. getch();
  875. Password();
  876. }
  877. }
  878. void issuerecord() //display issued book's information
  879. {
  880. system("cls");
  881. gotoxy(10,8);
  882. printf("The Book has taken by Mr. %s",a.stname);
  883. gotoxy(10,9);
  884. printf("Issued Date:%d-%d-%d",a.issued.dd,,a.issued.yy);
  885. gotoxy(10,10);
  886. printf("Returning Date:%d-%d-%d",a.duedate.dd,,a.duedate.yy);
  887. }
  888. void loaderanim()
  889. {
  890. int loader;
  891. system("cls");
  892. gotoxy(20,10);
  893. printf("LOADING........");
  894. printf("\n\n");
  895. gotoxy(22,11);
  896. for(loader=1;loader<20;loader++)
  897. {
  898. delay(100);printf("%c",219);}
  899. }
  900. //End of program

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