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Calculator making by using Python programming

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  1. ➤ Using if ,elif and else condition to making calculator :
  3. num1=int(input("Enter the first number : "))
  5. opr=input("Enter the operation to be operate..('+ - * /) : ")
  6. num2=int(input("Enter the number : "))
  7. if( opr==" + "):
  8. print(num1+num2)
  9. elif( opr==" * "):
  10. print(num1*num2)
  11. elif(opr==" - "):
  12. print(num1 - num2)
  13. elif(opr==" / "):
  14. print(num1/num2)
  15. else:
  16. print("Invalid choice")
  18. OUTPUT :
  19. Enter the first number : 12
  20. Enter the operation to be operate..('+ - * /) : *
  21. Enter the number : 2
  22. 24
  23. Enter the first number : 8
  24. Enter the operation to be operate..('+ - * /) : -
  25. Enter the number : 4
  26. 4
  28. Enter the first number : 12
  29. Enter the operation to be operate..('+ - * /): /
  30. Enter the number : 4
  31. 3
  34. ➤ Using if ,elif and else condition to making calculator :
  35. print('''
  37. + ADD
  38. - SUBTRACT
  39. * MULTIPLY
  40. / DIVIDE
  41. ''')
  42. num1=int(input("Enter the value1:- "))
  43. num2=int(input("Enter the value2:- "))
  44. opr=input("Enter the opr..(+ , -, *, /)")
  45. if opr=="+":
  46. print(num1+num2)
  47. elif opr=="-":
  48. print(num1-num2)
  49. elif opr=="*":
  50. print(num1*num2)
  51. elif opr=="/":
  52. print(num1/num2)
  53. else:
  54. print("invalid choice")
  57. OUTPUT :
  58. + ADD
  59. - SUBTRACT
  60. * MULTIPLY
  61. / DIVIDE
  63. Enter the value1:- 12
  64. Enter the value2:- 4
  65. Enter the opr..(+,-,*,/)+
  66. 16 # adding (12+4)

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