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Quiz Game with Options using Python

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class Quiz:
    def __init__(self, questions):
        self.questions = questions
        self.score = 0
    def ask_question(self, question, options, correct_option):
        for i, option in enumerate(options, 1):
            print(f"{i}. {option}")
        while True:
                choice = int(input("Enter the number of your choice: "))
                if 1 <= choice <= len(options):
                    print("Invalid choice. Please enter a valid number.")
            except ValueError:
                print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")
        if options[choice - 1] == correct_option:
            self.score += 1
            print("Incorrect. The correct answer is:", correct_option, "\n")
    def start(self):
        print("Welcome to the Quiz Game!\n")
        for i, (question, options, correct_option) in enumerate(self.questions, 1):
            print("Question", i)
            self.ask_question(question, options, correct_option)
        print("Quiz complete! Your score:", self.score, "out of", len(self.questions))
# List of questions with options and correct answers 
questions = [
    ("What is the capital of India?", ["Uttarpradesh", "Gujrat", "Punjab", "New Delhi"], "New Delhi"),
    ("Which planet is known as the 'Red Planet'?", ["Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Venus"], "Mars"),
    ("What is the largest mammal?", ["Blue Whale", "Elephant", "Giraffe", "Lion"], "Blue Whale"),
    ("World wide web is being standard by?", ["w3c", "worldwide coperation", "world wide web standard", "None of these"], "w3c"),
    ("Who is the father of C language?", ["Bjarne stroustrup", "James A.Gosling", "Dennis Ritchie", "Dr. E.F. Codd"], "Dennis Ritchie"),
    ("C Program are converting into machine language with help of ?", ["An editor", "Compiler", "an operating system", "None of these"], "Compiler"),
# Create a Quiz instance and start the game
quiz = Quiz(questions)
Welcome to the Quiz Game!
Question 1
What is the capital of India?
1. Uttarpradesh
2. Gujrat
3. Punjab
4. New Delhi
Enter the number of your choice: 4
Question 2
Which planet is known as the 'Red Planet'?
1. Earth
2. Mars
3. Jupiter
4. Venus
Enter the number of your choice: 2
Question 3
What is the largest mammal?
1. Blue Whale
2. Elephant
3. Giraffe
4. Lion
Enter the number of your choice: 1
Question 4
World wide web is being standard by?
1. w3c
2. worldwide coperation
3. world wide web standard
4. None of these
Enter the number of your choice: 1
Question 5
Who is the father of C language?
1. Bjarne stroustrup
2. James A.Gosling
3. Dennis Ritchie
4. Dr. E.F. Codd
Enter the number of your choice: 3
Question 6
C Program are converting into machine language with help of ?
1. An editor
2. Compiler
3. an operating system
4. None of these
Enter the number of your choice: 2
Quiz complete! Your score: 6 out of 6

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